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2016/07/08 Fri. 10:24:51 (JP)

Michael Jackson ( Member ID: c00001 )

Deposit Balance ( Activity )   50000 JPY
Hold on items 3 3000 JPY
Bidding on the Auction 4 18000 JPY
Win items 2 5000 JPY
Shopping Order 3 6800 JPY
Awaiting Arrival 2 6000 JPY
Arrived at Japonica Market 3 25000 JPY
Ship Package 5 18000 JPY
Discount   -600 JPY
Outbid/Sold Out/Canceled 3 0 JPY
Deposit Remaining  -2000 JPY
Invoice 1 25000 JPY
Paid 0 0 JPY
Shipped items 3 25000 JPY


I paid for an item through your shopping service an hour ago and
realised it was the wrong item! You haven't bought it yet. The order
number is 9MG10686FH356514P.

Please could you cancel this order?


: ジャケットとCDの番号が合ってるかどうか確認して下さい。
: 同じ間違いが起こらないように間違って送ってしまった(Ratt Wrong CD)画像は常にメールに添付して下さい。
: Amazonの注文は断って下さい。 : 追加注文があるのでデポジットは返金不要です
: ジャケットと解説書を止めているホッチキスが取れてバラバラになってしまっています。←このコンディションの場合キャンセルで。
: Collectors CD ( コレクターズCD ) = Bootleg CD は断って下さい。
: 国内盤は、解説書(Liner note、Booklet)の有無を確認してください。

Packing Note:

■梱包注意 : We will pack up each goods with cardboard box.
: 1 box = Under 5kg ( 5kg以下で)
: New CD = individually bubble wrapped.
: 梱包注意 それぞれの商品を段ボール箱で梱包
: 1箱5kg以下で梱包して下さい。
: 新品のCDは一枚づつプチプチで

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Michael XXXXX (Member ID: c00001) (Login ID/Email Address) (PayPal Account)
Shipping address:
Michael XXXXXX
United States
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Hold on items
item #5
Seller ID: amalie_88
Item Name: 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー
Auction URL:
Max Bid Price: 15000 JPY
Bidding Options: Sniper Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:  JPY
item #4
Seller ID: bookoff2014
Item Name: バーブラ・ストライサンド ザ・ムーヴィー・アルバム
Auction URL:
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Max Bid Price: 500 JPY
Bidding Options: Sniper Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:  JPY
Discount:  JPY
item #3
Seller ID: Suzu
Item Name: Melty Berry Princessオーバーニー
Auction URL:
Price:  500 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:  JPY
Discount:  JPY
item #2
Seller ID: Amazon
Item Name: JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト
Auction URL:
Note: ホワイト
Price:  2500 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:  JPY
Discount:  JPY
item #1
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Max Bid Price: 500 JPY
Bidding Options: Real-time Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:  JPY
Discount:  JPY

Bidding on the Auction
item #5
Seller ID: amalie_88
Item Name: 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Real-time Bidding: JPY
Sniper Bidding: 50,000 JPY
Max Bid Price: 50,000 JPY
Bidding Options: Sniper Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
item #4
Seller ID: bookoff2014
Item Name: バーブラ・ストライサンド ザ・ムーヴィー・アルバム
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan] 
Real-time Bidding: 1600 JPY
Sniper Bidding:  JPY
Max Bid Price: 1600 JPY
Bidding Options: Real-time Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
item #3
Seller ID: hisausa_sirayukihime
Item Name: ALICE and the PIRATESエトワールバレエシューズバレリーナ新品
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Real-time Bidding: 1600 JPY
Sniper Bidding:  JPY
Max Bid Price: 1600 JPY
Bidding Options: Real-time Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
item 1
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 22:58 [Japan]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Real-time Bidding: 500 JPY
Sniper Bidding:  JPY
Max Bid Price: 500 JPY
Bidding Options: Real-time Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
Discount:  JPY

Win items
item #3
eller ID: amalie_88
Item Name: 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Max Bid Price: 15000 JPY
Bidding Options: Sniper Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  14000 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
item #2
Seller ID: bookoff2014
Item Name: バーブラ・ストライサンド ザ・ムーヴィー・アルバム
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Max Bid Price: 1600 JPY
Bidding Options: Sniper Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  1500 JPY
Shipping: 180 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #1
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [JP]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price:   1111 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   500 JPY
Discount:   -200 JPY

Shopping Order
item #2
Seller ID: はるか★購入前プロフ必読!
Item Name: Melty Berry Princessオーバーニー
Auction URL:
Condition: If an item(s) is sold out, proceed with the rest of my orders.
Note: ラベンダー lavender
Price:   2500 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:    JPY
item #1
Seller ID: Amazon
Item Name: JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト
Auction URL:
Condition: If an item(s) is sold out, proceed with the rest of my orders.
Note: ホワイト
Price:   3000 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:    JPY

Awaiting Arrival
item #2
Seller ID: はるか★購入前プロフ必読!
Item Name: Melty Berry Princessオーバーニー
Auction URL:
Condition: If an item(s) is sold out, proceed with the rest of my orders.
Note: ラベンダー lavender
Price:   2500 JPY
Shipping:  0 JPY
Commission:    500 JPY
item #1
Seller ID: Amazon
Item Name: JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト
Auction URL:
Condition: If an item(s) is sold out, proceed with the rest of my orders.
Note: ホワイト
Price:   3000 JPY
Shipping:  0 JPY
Commission:   600 JPY

Outbid/Sold Out/Canceled
item #2
Seller ID: hisausa_sirayukihime
Item Name: ALICE and the PIRATESエトワールバレエシューズバレリーナ新品
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Max Bid Price: 1600 JPY
Bidding Options: Real-time Bid
End Time: 2016.08.07 (Sun) 9:58
Price:  JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY
item #1
Seller ID: Amazon
Item Name: JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト
Auction URL:
Note: ホワイト
Price: 3000 JPY
Shipping:  JPY
Commission:   JPY

Arrived at Japonica Market
Please submit the shipping instructions for an item within 30 days after it has arrived. After that we shall pack your order(s). final invoice (int'l shipping fee/remaining PayPal int'l fee ) will be sent to you.
item #6
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14 ←Arrivedに入れたら自動的に到着日時が表示
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: アステリズム
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
受付番号: 20160818-008099
Price: 3000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #5
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: Fish
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
Price: 3348 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #4
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 1111 JPY
Shipping: 900 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #3
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #2
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: usagi_hime_xxx
Item Name: ★WEGO★厚底スウェードストラップシューズ(ピンク/M)
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 250 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY


item #1
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [JP]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 250 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
Discount: -200 JPY

Int'l Shipping Options:
Terms and conditions:
to customs
mark the package as:
declare value:
 JPY ←自動的に合計金額を入力
Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.
* Registered Airmail/SAL can only be used for shipments which contain items valued less than 6,000 yen. For orders total over 6,000 yen, you will not be able to select the Registered Airmail/SAL option Even if you set the declaration price low.

Ship Package
We are packing your order now. Please wait for the invoice.
from this point forward, Deleting/modifying shipment is not possible. modifying the contents of a shipment once it has already been packaged will incur a repacking fee.
Int'l Shipping Options:
Registered Airmail (7~21 days) up to 2kg
Gross Weight: 1300
Int'l Shipping fee: 800
Terms and conditions:
to customs
contents: Second Hand clothes
mark the package as: a gift
declare value: 6000
Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.
item #6
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: アステリズム
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
受付番号: 20160818-008099
Price: 300,000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #5
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: Fish
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
Price: 3348 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #4
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 1111 JPY
Shipping: 900 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #3
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #2
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: usagi_hime_xxx
Item Name: ★WEGO★厚底スウェードストラップシューズ(ピンク/M)
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 250 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #1
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [JP]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Price: 3000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
Discount:  -200 JPY

Michael Jackson ( Member ID: c00001 )
PayPal Customer Invoice number: 02732
Michael XXXXXX Invoice date: 09/09/2016 Due date: Due in 7 days 
Shipping address:
Michael XXXXXX
United States
No. Item name Amount
#5 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー 15000 JPY
#4 バーブラ・ストライサンド ザ・ムーヴィー・アルバム 500 JPY
#3 Melty Berry Princessオーバーニー 2500 JPY
#2 JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト 15000 JPY
#1 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー 20000 JPY
  EMS shipping fee 2200 JPY
  Discount -500 JPY
  PayPal int'l fee 3.2%+40 JPY 1850 JPY
  ( 54700 JPY*3.2%+40 JPY)/(1-3.2%)  
  Sub Total  56550 JPY
  Deposit Balance  -50000 JPY
  Remainder of Total 6550 JPY
Note to recipient:
Please pay through PayPal within 7 days.
Terms and conditions:
to customs
contents: Second Hand clothes
mark the package as: a gift
declare value: 6000 JPY

Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.

Int'l Shipping Options:
Registered Airmail (7~21 days) up to 2kg
Gross Weight: 1300
Int'l Shipping fee: 800
Terms and conditions:
to customs
contents: Second Hand clothes
mark the package as: a gift
declare value: 6000
Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.
item #6
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: アステリズム
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
受付番号: 20160818-008099
Price: 300,000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #5
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: Fish
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
Price: 3348 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #4
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 1111 JPY
Shipping: 900 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #3
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #2
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: usagi_hime_xxx
Item Name: ★WEGO★厚底スウェードストラップシューズ(ピンク/M)
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 250 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #1
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [JP]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Price: 3000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
Discount:  -200 JPY

Thank you for your payment. We will be proceeding with the shipping arrangement soon. Shipment Date: Monday-Saturday
Michael Jackson ( Member ID: c00001 )
PayPal Customer Invoice number: 02732
Michael XXXXXX Invoice date: 09/09/2016 Due date: Due in 7 days 
Shipping address:
Michael XXXXXX
United States
No. Item name Amount
#5 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー 15000 JPY
#4 バーブラ・ストライサンド ザ・ムーヴィー・アルバム 500 JPY
#3 Melty Berry Princessオーバーニー 2500 JPY
#2 JVC HA-SP70-W 密閉型ヘッドホン 折りたたみ式 ホワイト 15000 JPY
#1 新品AngelicPrettyセットMisty Skyワンピース クリップ オーバー 20000 JPY
  EMS shipping fee 2200 JPY
  Discount -500 JPY
  PayPal int'l fee 3.2%+40 JPY 1850 JPY
  ( 54700 JPY*3.2%+40 JPY)/(1-3.2%)  
  Sub Total  56550 JPY
  Deposit Balance  -50000 JPY
  Remainder of Total 6550 JPY
Note to recipient:
Please pay through PayPal within 7 days.
Terms and conditions:
to customs
contents: Second Hand clothes
mark the package as: a gift
declare value: 6000 JPY

Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.

Int'l Shipping Options:
Registered Airmail (7~21 days) up to 2kg
Gross Weight: 1300
Int'l Shipping fee: 800
Terms and conditions:
to customs
contents: Second Hand clothes
mark the package as: a gift
declare value: 6000
Japan Post Insurance Program In case of damage or loss, declare value will be compensated.
declare value = insurance coverage

* If you set the declaration price low, it is only possible to claim up to the declared value of the items.
item #6
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: アステリズム
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
受付番号: 20160818-008099
Price: 300,000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #5
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: Toranoana
Item Name: Fish
Auction URL:
Quantity: 1 book
Price: 3348 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
item #4
( ID: c00001 )
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 1111 JPY
Shipping: 900 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #3
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: 秋月*プロフ要確認
Item Name: スイマー ビスケットショルダーバッグ
Item URL:
Item URL:
Note: I am aware of the defects such as the missing charms.
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #2
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: usagi_hime_xxx
Item Name: ★WEGO★厚底スウェードストラップシューズ(ピンク/M)
Auction URL:
End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [Japan]
Price: 4000 JPY
Shipping: 250 JPY
Commission:  500 JPY
item #1
Arrived in: 2016/09/14
Seller ID: ☆jui☆さん
Item Name: はにかみベアーショルダーバッグ ブラウン新品 BritishBearToyMarch
Auction URL:

End time: 2016-07-11 22:27 [JP]
★*★*★* All Items 5%OFF *★*★*★
Price: 3000 JPY
Shipping: 0 JPY
Commission:  600 JPY
Discount:  -200 JPY

Shipped items
Michael Jackson ( Member ID: c00001 )
No. Invoice Shipping Tracking Ship date
#3 02759 EMS EL004461864JP 2016/10/05
#2 02601 EMS EL004461864JP 2016/09/30
#1 02532 Reg. Air RR900438140JP 2016/08/10

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